Sunday, 31 August 2014

#6. C Major Scale

For a guitarist, knowing how to improvise is really important...and for that one should know all of his/her scales...
We'll be providing with the tabs of different scales that will help you to improvise in our further posts...
so Lets Begin with the first scale!

C Major Scale (Two Octave) :

High E -----------------------0-1-3------5-7-8--------------------
         B ----------------0-1-3---------------------------------------
         G -----------0-2----------------------------------------------
         D ----0-2-3---------------------------------------------------
         A --3----------------------------------------------------------
Low  E --------------------------------------------------------------

NOTE: Use the same fingers as the respective fret i.e, 3rd fret on the A string with 3rd Finger, 0 representing an open string, and so on...
incase of  5th, 7th and 8th fret on High E String, Use your 1st, 3rd and 4th fingers respectively.

Here's a short video that will give the idea of improvising over C Major Scale:

Saturday, 30 August 2014

#5. Reading Tablature

Tablature or in short Tabs is a standard way of writing music specifically for Guitar.
Every Guitarist should know how to read Tablature...

So there are a few things one should know about Tablature,
i) It is has six horizontal lines representing the six strings.
ii) The topmost line will represent your first string, i.e, E (High E) and the bottom most line will represent the sixth string i.e, E (Low E)
iii) All the numbers on the line will represent the respective fret.
iv) Zero '0' would represent an Open String.
v) If the number are aligned vertically, then holding all the particular frets, all the strings would be played at once.

So Let us provide you with an image for better understanding..

NOTE : In order to read the Tablature and play, One should know about the Tune, Riff, Lead, Melody etc. of that particular song, you are trying to play!

Let us also provide you with an easy example that every one can play,

Numb by Linkin Park

If any doubt, Contact us on our blog
or Facebook
or Tweet to us at @acoustic90
or mail us from the contact us window on the right hand side of the blog.


Sunday, 24 August 2014

#4. Learning the Basic Open Chords!

So here are few of the open chords to begin with, That'll help you to play certain songs and show-off in front of your friends and family! :) :P
Alright, so here's the first chord that is C Major or C :

So let us tell you how to read this diagram and then implement it...

So here are rest of the basic open chords...

NOTE : Here in F and Fm You'll have to Barre where ever Finger no. 1 is used more than once

G Major (Shape 1)

G Major (Shape 2) 

Saturday, 23 August 2014

#3. Notes on the FretBoard.

Alright, It's pretty important to know the notes on your fretboard...i.e, Place your finger on any string on any fret and you should know which note you're holding onto..

To begin with, you need to know the order of notes first..i.e,
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B and octave 

[*NOTE - For People who don't have an idea about the term Octave, You may please contact us (Right Side of the Blog Home Page) and we'll help you with it.* ]

Since you know the name of notes represented by each open string (If not, please check out our Post No. #1 Know Your Strings) 
you should also know that every fret, like the open strings, have their own name.

Now to explain this Post, Let us provide you with an Example :
Suppose You want to know which note would it be if you place your finger on the first string of the first fret, so in order to know that particular note, follow these steps:
i) Placing your finger on any random fret might not help you, you should know on which string it lies..
for eg., 1st string would be E (High E).
ii) So now that you know your string, You need to keep the order of notes in the back of your head as this is very important.
iii) Therefore, If you'd want to know the note on the first fret of the E String (Keeping in mind the order of notes) you should know which note comes after E.
iv) The note after E is F, therefore the note on the first fret of the first is F!!

and this is how it works..!

To help you out a little bit more...We're putting this picture representing all the Notes on the fretboard...

So Yeah, That's it...We Hope this was pretty much helpful to you! :)

Sunday, 17 August 2014

#2. Guitar's Anatomy

We've been playing the guitar from quite a long time now...and being with the guitar for such a long time...travelling for us requires the bag, the boots and the Guitar...Guitar's basically is like a forever companion to us and at times intrigues people how these six strings can create a wonder that have never witnessed.. and that finally leads them to ask 'What the Guitar really is?'
They tend to ask different questions like 'What is this called?' or 'What this big hole in the middle is?'

So there you go mates...

and That's the back of the frame..


So there you go mates...That's the first page of the book about the Guitar..

Saturday, 16 August 2014

#1. Know The Strings on your Guitar

It's important to know your six strings.
So knowing which string is denoted by what note is a must so as to tune your guitar as tuning is the important step to begin with

*The thinnest string (i.e, the bottom most string) is String no. 1 and denoted by the note E, often known as 'High E'.
*The string Above the E string is your B.
*Then Comes G above B.
*And above G Comes D, then A, and then the thickest String (i.e, the top most string) is again denoted by E but is known as the 'Low E'

So in short...(Bottom to Top)
1. High E
2. B
3. G
4. D
5. A
6. Low E

An easy way to remember this sequence would be..(Bottom to Top)

Every Bad Girl Dies Always Early. ( No offence girls )

Every Denotes the High E...
Bad Denotes the B String
and so on and so forth...

We Hope this information was relevant and useful
Feel free to share any feedback and let us know how we can improve..
Warm Regards,
Six String Journal.
(Rohit Mishra and Vishal Pandey) 

Friday, 15 August 2014

Welcome to Six String Journal...

Our journey together has finally led us to this conclusion that a Guitar is not just a Carved piece of wood with Six Strings. It's an instrument to capture souls. Those strings plucked once touch a thousands listening to it...

This relationship between the five fingers and six strings is what a Guitar is all about.

Try saying this to people who know the Guitar like we do..and You'll face a ton of Questions..and that's why we're here...