Saturday, 13 September 2014

#10. Mind Twister Chromatic Scale

Done with our previous Chromatic exercise...Now here is another Chromatic exercise given by one of our all time favourite Guitarist.....'GUTHRIE GOVAN'...

So here is the so called Mind Twister...

High E ----------------------------------------------------------------2-3-4-1---3-4-1-2---------------------------
B         ----------------------------------------------------1-2-3-4-----------------------------4-1-2-3-------------
G        ----------------------------------------4-1-2-3-------------------------------------------------------1-2-3-4-
D        ---------------------------3-4-1-2------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A        ---------------2-3-4-1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low E --1-2-3-4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

extended :

High E -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B          -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
G         -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D         ----2-3-4-1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A         -------------------3-4-1-2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Low E --------------------------------4-1-2-3------------------------------------------------------------------------

Steps to be followed :

All steps are to be followed that were provided in our previous post.

#9. Chromatic Scale

Chromatic Scale, also known as the spider exercise is an exercise that will help you to gain speed and momentum and will also bring clarity in your playing.
This exercise might be a bit difficult but once you get a hang of it, we're sure it'll be helpful!

1 High E -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-8-9-10--11-10-9-8--
2 B          -------------------------------------------------------------------7-8-9-10----------------------------
3 G          -------------------------------------------------------7-8-9-10----------------------------------------
4 D          ----------------------5-6-7-8--9-8-7-6--7-8-9-10---------------------------------------------------
5 A          ------------5-6-7-8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 Low E  --5-6-7-8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


High E --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B          ---11-10-9-8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
G         -----------------11-10-9-8----------------------------------------------------------------
D         -------------------------------11-10-9-8--7-8-9-10--9-8-7-6---------------------------
A         ----------------------------------------------------------------------9-8-7-6----------------
Low E ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9-8-7-6-5---

Steps to be followed :

i) Rest your palm behind the bridge
ii) Alternate picking i.e, downstroke the first note and then upstroke the second and continue like this..
iii) Start playing as slow as you can
iv) Let your fingers get the grip and then go for the speed.
v) Play loud and clear

Saturday, 6 September 2014

#8. Back in Black Solo Cover!

Alright, on request of some of our friends, we're uploading this Back in Black (By AC/DC) Solo Cover.. Recorded by a phone..Please bear with the sound!
We'll be uploading more..Thank You! 

#7. How to strum?!

So in this post we'll be focusing on how to strum, Basically the right hand movement...

 A standard groove is shown below,

Note: we will be discussing this above shown image in our further post..

There are 4 beats in a bar(standard 4:4 groove)...1 2 3 between 1 2 3 4 there comes '+' sign, which is known as 'and' but often is said as 'an'

So it is important to know how to write, read and play a rhythm...
so here is the first rhythm...

                                                   1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 
                                                   D         D   D U

'D' Represents a Down stroke

'U' Represents a Up stroke.

Steps to be followed :

i)  Mute your guitar with your left hand
ii) Tap using your left foot and say 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + (One An Two An Three An Four An)
iii) While tapping, when the foot touches the ground, that would be your first beat i.e, 1 and you have to tap on every numerical value..and when the foot is being lifted i.e, it comes up..That is when you'll count your '+' (An)
iv)So Basically When you tap and your foot touches the ground, that'll be your 1. When you lift, that'll be your '+' and then the next time when you'll tap, that would be your 2 and so on!
v) Your right hand should move accordingly to the way you'll be tapping your feet i.e, When your foot goes down, your right hand should do a downstroke as well and when your foot is being lifted, your right hand should do an upstroke.
vi) In the rhythm, if a space is left vacant below the number or any '+', then nothing would be played on the particular beat but the hand should be in motion along with your foot.

In order to write a rhythm, 

First You'll have to write down a Bar i.e, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + and keep in mind that all the downstrokes would be written below the numbers and the upstrokes would be written below the 'An' .

So here are a few more examples :

                         1 + 2  + 3 +  4 +
                         D   D U   U D U

                         1 + 2 + 3 + 4  +  
                         D      U   U D U                        
Hope You got it!

If You'd want us to do a video lesson, or if you have any doubts that needs to be clarified Please let us know in the comments below... or contact us.